Saturday, March 26, 2011

Five Questions To Ask Yourself

Hi Friendly People,
      I heard this message this week and thought it worth passing on. I saw myself in bold confrontation because I have fallen in the trap of the wonder breakers. Read on and do some repenting and crying out to God with me. Your family will help you answer these honestly, if you dare.

These are the five questions to ask yourself

1. Do I have the faith to be healed at my greatest need?

2. Am I filled with wonder at the work that God is doing?

What ruins wonder?

Cynicism- To be cynical is to believe that people are motivated in all their actions only by selfishness; denying the sincerity of people's motives and actions, or the value of living. Sarcastic, sneering.

Skepticism  - To be skeptical is to be not easily persuaded or convinced;  being doubtful and questioning, even being doubtful and questioning the fundamental doctrines of religion.

Fatalism -To believe that all events are determined by fate and are hence inevitable, accepting that every event is inevitable. To have a fatalistic approach to life means you see things always turning out in a destructive, unfortunate or disastrous way.

3. Do I reflect God's glory or do I absorb it?

4. Do I speak for God or do I speak for myself?
   I must speak words of Hope
   I must speak words of Truth
   I must speak words of Grace

5. Do I heed God's messengers?

I hope you will pray this prayer with me. I put my wordly attitude as being cynical, you include your own.
     God I ask you to illuminate the darkness in me that  needs to be dealt with. Please God give me Your hope once again so I can trust You to renew me, to change me. I don't want to reflect myself anymore. Please anoint my mouth to speak for you, you alone give the words of life. Renew, rekindle, refresh the wonder I once had of You. Please allow me to shine with your glory; I repent for not allowing you the freedom to move through me, I repent for the fear of man and being lazy with the gifts you have given me. I ask You God to blow Your breath of life on me anew so my faith will rise and I will be able to surrender my greatest need toYou. God give me ears to hear what You say and the obedience to obey those words; whether they be written in the Bible, spoken by Your messengers or dropped in my spirit by You. I choose this day to repent of my "cynical" worldly attitude and ask You to develop a new way of seeing people and situations. Your way God is what I choose, I choose Your nature. I want to live in the wonder of You, I want to reflect Your wonder. Let honor live in me that I would be thankful for all the blessings You have given me and the work you have done in me and in others. From this day forward I give my allegiance to You and not to another. In You my heart seeks refuge my Savior, and my soul seeks peace in You my Shepherd, my spirit in You seeks life my God , I surrender it all!  Amen.

                                                          Never give up- Never give in!

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